Write a program (function!) that takes a list and returns a new list that contains all the elements of the first list minus all the duplicates.
Concepts for this week:
In mathematics, a set is a collection of elements where no element is repeated. This becomes useful because if you know your data is stored in a set, you are guaranteed to have unique elements.
In Python, you make and use a set with the set()
keyword. For example:
names = set()
And the output will be;
set(['Michele', 'Robin'])
You can do to a set almost anything you can do to a list (except ask for things like “the third element”). See the Python documentation about sets to get a full list of things you can do to sets.
You can convert from a list to a set and a set to a list pretty easily:
names = ["Michele", "Robin", "Sara", "Michele"]
names = set(names)
names = list(names)
And the result of this will be:
['Michele', 'Robin', 'Sara']