This exercise is Part 3 of 4 of the Tic Tac Toe exercise series. The other exercises are: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 4.
In a previous exercise we explored the idea of using a list of lists as a “data structure” to store information about a tic tac toe game. In a tic tac toe game, the “game server” needs to know where the X
s and O
s are in the board, to know whether player 1 or player 2 (or whoever is X
and O
There has also been an exercise about drawing the actual tic tac toe gameboard using text characters.
The next logical step is to deal with handling user input. When a player (say player 1, who is X
) wants to place an X
on the screen, they can’t just click on a terminal. So we are going to approximate this clicking simply by asking the user for a coordinate of where they want to place their piece.
As a reminder, our tic tac toe game is really a list of lists. The game starts out with an empty game board like this:
game = [[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]
The computer asks Player 1 (X) what their move is (in the format row,col
), and say they type 1,3
. Then the game would print out
game = [[0, 0, X],
[0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]
And ask Player 2 for their move, printing an O
in that place.
Things to note:
and player 2 (the second player) will always be O
Here is one solution that does not fully complete the exercise, but gives a bit of food for thought. The drawboard
function is a general function that can be used to draw the game board with any given inputs.
def drawboard(board): | |
print (' | | ') | |
print ('' +board[6]+ ' | ' +board[7]+ ' | ' +board[8] ) | |
print (' | | ') | |
print ('---------------') | |
print (' | | ') | |
print ('' +board[3]+ ' | ' +board[4]+ ' | ' +board[5] ) | |
print (' | | ') | |
print('-----------------') | |
print (' | | ') | |
print ('' +board[0]+ ' | ' +board[1]+ ' |' +board[2] ) | |
print (' | | ') | |
drawboard(['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']) |
Another solution uses lots of functions, and also checks whether the game has ended!
# Python Exercises | |
# Exercise 27 - Tic Tac Toe Draw | |
# Exercise to draw Tic Tac Toe gameboard the game board getting input from Player 1 and Player 2 | |
# Last updated: 17/02/2016 | |
# | |
# - gets input from two players | |
# - checks the input for correctness: row,col | |
# - exits if board is full or there is a winner | |
# initialise the game board | |
gameboard = [(['.']*3) for i in range(3)] | |
# variables for input and turn count | |
row_col = [0] | |
turn = 1 | |
# checks that the input is valid | |
# - that it is in the format "row,col" | |
# - that the position is free | |
def input_valid(values): | |
# input has only two values | |
if len(values) != 2: | |
print "Input must be two numbers in format row,col e.g. 1,2 " | |
return 0 | |
# input is a number between 1 and 3 (inclusive) | |
try: | |
if (1 <= int(values[0]) <= 3) and (1 <= int(values[1]) <= 3): | |
# checks if the position on the board is alreay filled | |
if gameboard[int(values[0])-1][int(values[1])-1] != '.': | |
print "Position on board already taken." | |
return 0 | |
return 1 | |
else: | |
print "Input values must be numbers between 1 and 3 (inclusive)" | |
return 0 | |
except ValueError: | |
print "Input values must be numbers between 1 and 3 (inclusive)" | |
return 0 | |
# draw the board | |
def draw_board(values, player): | |
# changes the value to X or O | |
gameboard[int(values[0])-1][int(values[1])-1]=player | |
# print the gameboard | |
for row in gameboard: | |
print row | |
# calculate if game is over (no more '.' or has winner) | |
def game_over(): | |
searcht = '.' | |
# check win by row | |
for i in range(3): | |
if len(set(gameboard[i])) == 1: | |
if gameboard[i][1] == '.': | |
continue | |
elif gameboard[i][1] == 'X': | |
print "Game over - Player 1 wins" | |
#elif gameboard[i][1] == 'O': | |
else: | |
print "Game over - Player 2 wins" | |
return 1 | |
# check win by column | |
for i in range(3): | |
if gameboard[0][i] == gameboard[1][i] == gameboard[2][i]: | |
if gameboard[0][i] == '.': | |
continue | |
elif gameboard[0][i] == 'X': | |
print "Game over - Player 1 wins" | |
else: | |
print "Game over - Player 2 wins" | |
return 1 | |
# check win by diagonal | |
if (gameboard[0][0] == gameboard[1][1] == gameboard[2][2]) or (gameboard[0][2] == gameboard[1][1] == gameboard[2][0]): | |
if gameboard[1][1] == 'X': | |
print "Game over - Player 1 wins" | |
elif gameboard[1][1] == 'O': | |
print "Game over - Player 2 wins" | |
else: | |
return 0 | |
return 1 | |
# check board is full | |
for sublist in gameboard: | |
if searcht in sublist: | |
return 0 | |
print "Game over - the board is filled" | |
return 1 | |
# main function that runs the game while board is not full | |
while not game_over(): | |
piece = '.' | |
# Player input - checks for input correctness | |
while not input_valid(row_col): | |
player = turn % 2 | |
if player == 0: | |
player = 2 | |
piece = 'O' | |
else: | |
piece = 'X' | |
p1 = raw_input('Player ' + str(player) +' input: ') | |
row_col = p1.split(",") | |
draw_board(row_col, piece) | |
row_col = [0] | |
turn += 1 | |
This solution adds some bonus functions, like checking for a winner!
Happy hacking!